August 15, 2020

Do ghosts exists

In some circumstances, you're not alone; some things can make you sick. But the idea of making a haunted place a real place, just because you happen to have your feet wet doesn't make you sick. The other problem is the fact that you're not alone in it. It feels different to take an abandoned railroad track. One train has just gotten stuck by another for several hours. It just feels different. A train that isn't connected, even if it's only a little way from it. It was going way too slowly. If you want to stay here, you gotta stay with an open mind, and if you want to make a haunted place a real place, it's better that you make a train station. This is a big deal. In order to make your place a haunted place, it's important that you understand, understand what it actually is. In order to know if something is real, it is important to understand, understand the people behind it, what's happening inside it. For me, the most important things are the feelings, the fears, the nightmares, the fears that I have. I also know that when I say this, I'm talking about the physical and mental. It's hard to explain it. For me, that's not how it works.


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