August 12, 2020
Alien spotting
Alien spotted on the beach, and he was able to catch a glimpse of the creature.

The animal is said to have been spotted by an amateur fisherman who spotted the creature in the middle of the sea.

It is thought the animal was caught by the fisherman who was fishing in the area, which is near the beach.

The fisherman said the creature was about five metres (12 feet) in height and weighed about 200kg.

He said the fisherman was able to catch it by the time the animal was about 20 metres (25 feet) from his boat and he was able to catch it in a matter of minutes.

He said the creature's size was about three metres (12 feet) in length and was about three times as large as the man's.

The man said he was fishing for his wife and son when the animal appeared in the water.

He said: "It's very strange, I'm very lucky that I caught it. I think that I was fishing for my wife and son when they spotted it and it was quite strange."


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